Articulation Agreement Udel

If you`re considering transferring from a community college to the University of Delaware (UD), you`ve probably heard of articulation agreements. An articulation agreement is a partnership between two institutions that outlines the transfer of credits from one institution to another, allowing students to seamlessly transition from one school to the next.

UD has many articulation agreements in place, but if you`re interested in transferring from a community college to UD, the UD-Community College articulation agreements are what you`ll want to look into. These agreements stipulate which courses at participating community colleges are equivalent to UD courses, allowing you to transfer credits and fast-track your degree.

UD`s articulation agreements not only help with the transfer of credits but also offer additional benefits to students. Participating community college students can take advantage of UD resources, including library and research facilities, and even participate in UD events and activities.

To take advantage of these agreements, all you need to do is check whether your community college is a partner with UD and make sure you take the equivalent UD courses. The UD Admissions Office provides a searchable database of all UD-Community College articulation agreements, so you can easily find the transfer options available to you.

UD`s articulation agreements are an excellent opportunity for community college students to achieve their academic goals without the burden of additional time or expense. By taking advantage of these agreements, you can ensure a smooth transition to UD and make the most of your academic journey.

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