Sample Agreement Form for Learners at Risk

When it comes to education, there are some learners who may face more challenges in their academic journey than others. These learners are often referred to as „at-risk“ students, and may struggle with a range of issues, including poverty, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. To help support these students, many schools and educational organizations develop agreements outlining the responsibilities of both educators and learners. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at a sample agreement form for learners at risk, and discuss some best practices for developing these agreements.

Sample Agreement Form for Learners at Risk

[School/Organization Name]

Agreement for Supporting At-Risk Learners

We believe that every student deserves an equal opportunity to succeed. As such, we are committed to providing support and resources to at-risk learners. We ask that students who fall into this category commit to the following:

Academic Responsibilities:

– Attend all classes and arrive on time. If you are unable to attend, please notify your teacher or advisor as soon as possible.

– Complete all assigned coursework to the best of your ability.

– Come prepared to class with all necessary materials (books, notebooks, etc.).

– Participate in class discussions and activities to the best of your ability.

– Seek help when needed. Meet with your teacher or advisor to discuss any challenges or concerns you may have.

Behavioral Responsibilities:

– Treat all teachers, staff, and fellow students with respect.

– Follow the school/organization’s code of conduct.

– Maintain a positive attitude and mindset towards your education.

– Refrain from engaging in disruptive or dangerous behavior.

– Recognize the impact of your actions on yourself and others.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:

– Ensure that your child attends school regularly.

– Support your child in completing all assigned coursework and meeting academic expectations.

– Communicate regularly with your child`s teacher or advisor to stay updated on their progress.

– Encourage positive behavior and respect towards others.

School/Organization Responsibilities:

– Provide a safe and supportive learning environment.

– Offer resources and support to at-risk learners, such as counseling services and academic tutoring.

– Communicate regularly with parents/guardians to discuss their child`s progress.

– Address any behavioral or academic concerns with students and their families.

By signing this agreement, we agree to work together to support the academic and behavioral success of at-risk learners.

Signed by:

Student: ___________________________

Parent/Guardian: ___________________________

Teacher/Advisor: ___________________________

Best Practices for Developing Agreements for At-Risk Learners

1. Involve all stakeholders: When developing an agreement for at-risk learners, it`s important to involve all stakeholders in the process. This includes teachers, administrators, parents/guardians, and the students themselves. By involving everyone, you can create buy-in and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

2. Make it clear and concise: Agreements for at-risk learners should be clear and concise, outlining the specific responsibilities of all parties involved. Use simple language and avoid jargon or confusing terminology.

3. Focus on strengths: Instead of highlighting the challenges at-risk learners may face, focus on their strengths and the positive behaviors you want to see. For example, instead of saying „don`t be disruptive,“ say „treat others with respect.“

4. Provide support: Agreements for at-risk learners should include a clear plan for the support and resources that will be provided to students. This could include academic tutoring, counseling services, or other interventions.

In conclusion, developing an agreement for at-risk learners is an important step in supporting their academic and behavioral success. By involving all stakeholders, making the agreement clear and concise, focusing on strengths, and providing support, you can create a structured environment that promotes positive behavior and academic achievement.

Über Robert Zimmermann 92 Artikel
Ich bin Diplom-Geograph mit dem Schwerpunkt Stadtgeographie und Einzelhandelsentwicklung und neben geographischen Fragestellungen auch sehr an den Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz interessiert. Hier geht es meinem Google+ Profil